Mac Dowell Silicones is a leader manufacturer of cosmetic silicone for upper limb prostheses. The company’s laboratory, thanks to the professionalism of a highly qualified staff and the constant search for cutting-edge techniques, has become over the years a reference point for numerous patients, who have found excellent answers and solutions for their different problems and pathologies.
Our prostheses are custom-made and therefore highly customized in morphology and color, whether they are finger prostheses, partial hand, complex partial hand, total hand, nose, ear epithesis. Foot prostheses are also custom made. Our aim is to make every type of stump aesthetic without sacrificing functionality.

… at Mac Dowell I met some artists, but above all some wonderful people who helped me ‘get back to life with one hand’ and who every day with love and passion bring back a smile to all the people, children and families who live situations similar to mine…